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This is an archived page about the Papay Development Trust prepared in the year 2000. For the current page click here: Papay Development Trust.

Papay Development Trust Community Plan

Strategic Themes


Traditionally, islanders turn their hands to a number of jobs to make their living.  We will diversify our economy to create new opportunities, attract new people to the island and support our island population.

Project 1 - Enhancing the role of the Co-op as our main community enterprise.

Project 2 - Attract more computer-based workers and companies.

Project 3 - Explore new developments and products such as alternative crops, energy production, seaweed and lichen.

Transport and Access

Any island's lifeline, the quality of our transport links will determine more than anything the well being of our community.

Project 1 - Work with the transport providers to better integrate our transport services, providing a seamless and economic connection between boat, plane, and taxi services.

Project 2 - Construct a harbour at the new pier, which would:

  • guarantee a better ferry service to Kirkwall
  • provide a base for the ferry service to Westray.


To expand our balanced community to 100 people we shall need more good houses, blending in as far as possible with the traditional environment of the island.

Project 1 - Purchase and convert old buildings to let as temporary rented "Gateway" accommodation for incoming families.

Project 2 - Provide flexible, high-quality affordable housing to let, suitable also for our elderly people when the need arises.

The Physical Environment

The environment is fundamental to the special character of the island. We will protect and enhance the mosaic of our landscape, and the wildlife and habitats of the island, which are so important to the quality of life. The environment is also very valuable to our tourist industry: the RSPB reserve on North Hill and the seal colony are two of many attractions for visitors. Conservation and improvement of the environment must be given high priority in all our planning.

Project 1 - Assess the environmental impact of proposed new developments on the island.

Project 2 - Survey the island to identify environmentally important habitats and features.

Project 3 - Increase the island's biodiversity by encouraging the provision of an extended range of habitats.


Our visitors come to Papay to experience the unique qualities of our island. In acknowledging the importance of tourism to our economy we are aware that this must be developed in a sustainable manner, bringing visitors the highest quality of experience.

Project 1 - Ensure that the best use is made of the guest house, hostel and self-catering units run by the Community Co-op.

Project 2 - Extend camping facilities, and consider additional self-catering accommodation (preferably in traditional buildings).

Project 3 - Improve visitor facilities by:

  • developing the Nouster Pier Visitor Centre;
  • improving the signposting, marked paths and stiles
  • ensuring that all visitors are made welcome on arrival, and that refreshments are available
  • providing more services for visiting yachts.

Project 4 - Improving our marketing of the island by:

  • enhancing our web site ( and creating new links
  • increasing the island profile in Orkney and elsewhere;
  • improving advertising of accommodation and facilities on Papay
  • developing our Peedie Papay Package tours;
  • investigating niche tourist markets for e.g. archaeology, birds, crafts, boating, stress management, religious tours etc.

Health and Care for Our Community

We will ensure that we can care for everyone on the island, especially the vulnerable and elderly.

Project 1 - Support the development of the Kirk Project so as to :

  • maintain and expand good health facilities and access to social services
  • make full use of the new surgery for a visiting dentist, optician, chiropodist, physiotherapist etc.

Project 2 - Work with the Westray Development Trust on their project for a new care facility on Westray.

Education and Training

We will help to maintain the present high quality of school education on the island and also make other services available.

Project 1 - Encourage the use of IT at home and also in the Community School and through the Outreach Centre.

Project 2 - Advance continuing education and training, recognising the important roles of the University of Aberdeen, the University of the Highlands and Islands and the Open University.

Youth Provision and the Social Environment

As we build our balanced community, attracting more families to the island, we will ensure that the facilities our young people need will be provided. The social environment of the island will be enhanced.

Project 1 - Enable our young people to travel to take advantage of the recreational facilities on Westray such as the drop-in centre, playschemes and sporting activities.

Project 2 - Investigate the possibility of having a Youth Worker on Papay, perhaps shared with Westray.

Project 3 - Encourage an expansion of social activities, especially in the community areas of the school and the Kirk.

The following are archived pages about the Papay Development Plan prepared in the year 2000. For the current plan click here: Papay Development Trust.

Development Trust
Plan updating
Strategic themes

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