Papay Development Trust
Community Plan
About the Papay Development
The Papay Development Trust is a company
limited by guarantee, with charitable status. Membership is open to everyone
in our Community. The Trust has its roots in an informal group of folk
nominated in 1997 to represent the main bodies on the island - the Community
Co-operative, School Board, Community Council and Community Association.
The representative body began meeting with
the intention of airing island issues, considering development possibilities
and formulating viewpoints, which would allow the island to speak with
one voice on a whole range of issues.
The Government's decision in the summer
of 1998 to select Papa Westray and Westray among eight areas to be included
in their ‘Initiative-at-the-edge' for speeding development in areas
around the Scottish margin gave fresh impetus to the Development group.
At the launch of the Initiative
that summer the then Scottish Office Industry minister Brian Wilson stressed
that the plan to offer support to projects in these designated areas and
cut red tape would only work if the communities themselves generated ideas.
The minister called for the formation of
local steering groups for this purpose but in Papa Westray - with the development
group already in place - his challenge met with an immediate, organised
and positive response.
Development group members took part in
a watershed conference in Westray in October 1998, which apart from bringing
local people together with relevant agencies also involved a series of
workshops where a range of possible projects began to take shape.
In 1999 the Development Group became the
new Community company - Papay Development Trust - entrusted with preparing
a development plan and driving forward improvements on the island.
Although the Papay Development Trust is
completely self-contained with its own plan and vision for the future,
there is regular contact and cordial communication with the Westray Development
Trust on the many issues which the two communities have in common.
The two Trusts now share a Local Development
Officer and provide a strong joint lobby for development funding and representation.
They meet regularly to assess ongoing projects and decide how best to move
them on. There is regular contact with the officers of our partner agencies.