This is an archived page about the Papay Development Trust prepared in the year 2000. For the current page click here: Papay Development Trust.
Papay Development Trust Community Plan Updating the Plan
In such a tight knit community, making information available to the islanders on the work of the Trust is especially important.
Minutes are regularly posted in the shop and post office, the officers of the Papay Development Trust are always available to talk about progress on particular projects, and slightly more formal get-togethers have been taking place so that everyone on Papa Westray can feel part of the process of regeneration.
When a significant step forward is made with any one particular project then the islanders are informed at the earliest opportunity in order that they too can share in the sense of achievement.
Since, one way or another, all the projects currently being progressed have flowed from the community itself, the Trust is always an open house for the exchange of ideas, opinions and observations.
Things are already happening:
- continuing the crucial work of our Co-op;
- the purchase of a new community bus;
- the development of a craft trail;
- completion of the St. Ann's Kirk Project, consisting of a renovated Kirk, a Health Centre and a community area
- purchase of the site and buildings for the Nouster Pier Visitor Centre, and acquisition of funding for Phase One of the construction
- participation in Initiative at the Edge;
- having the services of a Local Development Officer shared by the Westray and the Papa Westray Development Trusts
- securing the winter ferry link to Westray;
- provision of a mooring for visiting yachts near the East Pier
- return of the corncrake, with RSPB monitoring and advice.
Further information about Papay may be found by visiting our Web site,
This development plan was prepared with the help of the Corrom Trust (supported by BT Scotland), Orkney Islands Council, Orkney Enterprise, and the EC funded Leader II programme.